Going Bald?!!

Going Bald!!!

This is a pretty age long subject but it seems unending (laughs)

  A lot of men may find it disturbing and even annoying when they begin losing their hair. Found out that there are a lot of hair replacement services available through non-surgical procedures that prevents hair loss and helps hair root rejuvenation. How effective are these procedures?

   One may wonder too: can baldness be reversed? Some people say there is no cure for male-pattern baldness but medications can slow down the rate of baldness and help some men grow new hair. unfortunately, as soon as these medications are stopped, hair loss returns.
  Again, do all men go bald? at what age?
Did you know women also go bald? though the cause of female baldness is unknown, most of the women who loose their hair do so, most frequently, after menopause, that means it is associated with decreasing hormones. Again, women baldness may not be too obvious with all the hair extensions and wigs flying around the market ...lol.

  Are there natural means of growing back lost hair? share your views with us. We would love to hear from you.



  1. Women go bald too! And to be honest we get stressed out too. The best and natural way to keep those strands popping out is to live stress free. Our body mechanism is structured in a way that everything is interrelated. My simple elevator statement will be "Start by being happy"

  2. i think there are many natural ways , first is by starting all over from the beginning, be careful with the products you use on your hair , make sure they are original and probably organic and finally try to live a stress-free life


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