Blogging for Beginner bloggers


Thanks you for stopping by, 

I still find it sort of overwhelming to put down my thoughts and share it to the world. Well, now that I have decided to take the bull by its horn and blog talk on my passion for hairstyling, it will only be proper to learn the art of blogging. So, today I decided to explore the deevah world of blogging. I went on the internet and typed "how to start a blog" , stumbled on theblogstarter, it gave me very useful information on "how to create a blog in 20 minutes! (Pretty impressive). According to the blogger "a blog is a type of website that focuses mainly on written content also known as content post. in other words, the blogger is interacting and sharing ideas from his or her own perspectives with others of like minds. 

My curious mind like my local Raccoon decided to probe further to look up other blogs and bloggers. I did find some interesting ones:

Life engineering, here blogger talks about the science of well being and helps the individual look inward to discover his or her own innate potentials through her blog posts. I could not help but agree more; each one possesses exceptional qualities, sometimes we need to silence all physical distractions to find our inner peace. However, not so many people have the chance to show that inner being. Hence, we need to strive to make good first impressions at every instance, wearing the right hairstyle can be a key😊.

In DanceAfrica365 blogger examines the culture, wisdom and beauty of Africa and the unique traditions handed over from generations. He expresses the impact culture has on modern day Africa in relation to food, dress and art. I couldn't agree more with his views, African hairstyles are also very creative and many of them traditional.

I found the spotted hyena thoroughly entertaining. Blogger offers musical treats and standup comedies that can help the workaholics alleviate stress, even using laughter to reduce some schizophrenic symptoms😲.

Sports business is pretty loaded with sports gist. Love it!

Please drop your views and comments on this page, I would love to hear from you.


Your Hairzonemistress


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